Live Long and Master Aging
The Live Long and Master Aging (LLAMA) podcast is a weekly series of extended, one-to-one interviews, about human longevity. Hosted by Peter Bowes, leading scientists share their latest research into living a long and healthy life. We delve into the clinical trials and challenge new ideas. We also feature some remarkable people who have already mastered the art of aging. Hear about their insights into growing old, without feeling old, and the secrets of their longevity.
269 episodes
Hormones and mitochondria drive healthy aging | Dr. Felice Gersh
Maintaining optimal hormone levels as we grow older plays a crucial role in supporting mitochondrial health. When they become imbalanced, it can lead to reduced energy, increased inflammation, and a heightened risk of age-related conditions.
Episode 267
Our best summers | Becky Blue
What if the best days of our lives were to come in our 70s or later? The societal norms around aging are far from optimistic, preferring to frame the process around dotage and frailty. But such views are increasingly being challenged, not least...
Episode 266
Why we love our mitochondria | Jen Scheinman
Longevity Fest in Las Vegas, one of the world's premier gatherings of health professionals, has just wrapped up for another year. The meeting of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M ) attracts experts from around the world. Do...
Episode 265
Calipers to camera: Collecting body composition data | Jason Moore
Accurate body composition data is often seen as the holy grail of information for the longevity-minded biohacker. Calipers are an accurate way to measure body fat. Smart scales and medical facilities equipped with DEXA machines al...
Episode 264
Find that giggle in life | Dr. Kevin R. Stone
As we get older, how can we still enjoy a runners high or exercise-induced euphoria, while being careful not to get injured? Dr. Kevin R. Stone is an orthopedic surgeon, the founder of the Stone Clinic in San Francisco, and author of Play Forev...
Episode 263
AI companions to combat loneliness | Dor Skuler
Loneliness, which affects how long people live, is at epidemic levels. Social isolation is not confined to the elderly, although the anxiety caused by feeling alone is borne especially hard by older people. Could artificial intelligence...
Episode 262
Are you ready for the third half? | Campbell Gerrish & Caroline Brecker
The traditional idea of retirement is changing with people now looking for new ways to continue contributing and finding purpose in their lives. Campbell Gerrish and Caroline Brecker, co-founders of Third Half Advisors, have developed the conce...
Episode 261
Lives well lived, at every age | Sky Bergman
Sky Bergman's film, Lives Well Lived, explored the joys of growing old, the value of wisdom, and the appreciation of life. Through interviews with people aged 75 and older, the documentary highlighted the resilience, sense of joy and positivity...
Episode 260
Integrating vigorous activity into daily life | Prof. Marie Murphy
VILPA (Vigorous Intermittent Lifestyle Physical Activity) is a type of physical activity that involves short bouts of strenuous activity. It is opportunistic and integrated into daily life. It can be as simple as taking the stairs instead of th...
Episode 259
Vegetable oils: Friend or foe? | Dr. Cate Shanahan
Vegetable oils are sometimes referred to as seed oils because they come from the seeds of plants. The most commonly used include corn, soybean, canola, palm, peanut, safflower, and sunflower oil. They are widely touted as an alternative t...
Episode 258
Human longevity: Science fiction to reality
The power of innovative storytelling to better understand human longevity has been harnessed by a unique community known as JellyfishDAO. The group - made up of filmmakers, life extension professionals, and blockchain experts - aims to accelera...
Episode 257
Can everyone benefit from the race for longevity? | Charles Mattocks & Dr. Robert Lufkin
Do we all have equal access to the benefits of longevity science? Undoubtedly not, although many of the proven interventions are more accessible than some people realize. "The metabolic benefits of appropriate nutrition, appropriate...
Episode 256
Monitor vital biomarkers from home | Michael Dubrovsky
DIY blood testing is growing in popularity. At-home testing kits make it easy to collect our own samples and receive lab results online. But could we be over-testing – just because we can? Michael Dubrovsky is the co-...
Episode 255
What it means to be hyper well | Steve Welch
Retail wellness companies are becoming a more familiar sight on the high street, whether it’s for an infrared sauna, red light therapy, hyperbaric oxygen, cryotherapy or intravenous drip, there’s a lot of choice. It feels good at the time. You ...
Episode 254
The case against full body scans | Dr. Mirza Rahman
Much of the buzz around full body MRI scans has resulted from attention given to them by influencers and celebrities who have posted about their experiences. At a cost of up to $2,500 the scans are touted as a way to catch medical problems, suc...
Episode 253
Why have a full body scan? | Andrew Lacy
There has been a surge in interest in the use of full body MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans as a screening tool to spot early signs of disease. Influencers and celebrities have posted about their experiences, creating an additional buzz a...
Episode 253
The Science of Friendships | David Robson
David Robson has always found forming new connections and meeting strangers challenging. As a science writer - and confronted by his own insecurities - he decided to delve into the research that suggests forging new relationships has a direct i...
Episode 252
Sniffing pleasant smells to improve memory | Michael Leon
Memory loss is often cited as one of the most worrying aspects of growing older. But what if the section of the brain that's responsible for memory could be stimulated by simply sniffing a few pleasant odors? There is extensive research...
Episode 251
Defying aging myths | Maddy Dychtwald
Maddy Dychtwald has been unraveling the mysteries of aging for decades. Before biohacking was a thing and the recent surge in interest in age-reversal science, she and her husband launched a mission to address longevity as a new frontier....
Episode 250
Algae for lunch to live longer? | Catharine Arnston
Could the regular consumption of algae help us age better and live healthier lives? Catherine Arnston, founder and CEO of EnergyBits, is on a mission to introduce algae to everyday diets for health and longevity. Touted for its potent h...
Episode 249
Harnessing the power of placebo | Brandy Gillmore
Brandy Gillmore went from being wheelchair-bound, on morphine, and given no hope by doctors, to a full recovery and an active life. It is a remarkable turnaround in fortunes - following two serious accidents and years of searching for a solutio...
Episode 248
Give me some longevity | Nate Wilkins
Another day. Another year. Another decade. "Give me some longevity," says fitness coach and author, Nate Wilkins. The 70-year-old functional aging specialist is the co-founder of Ageless Workout, a Miami-based health, heal...
Episode 247
Nobel laureate alarmed by over-hyped longevity research
Could we one day cheat death? Are we hurtling towards a time when science will be so advanced that aging can be prevented or halted in its tracks? Nobel laureate Venki Ramakrishnan takes a skeptical view in a fascinating exploration of longevit...
Episode 246
The rest of my life | Ron Kastner
Ron Kastner experienced what he called a "mortality moment" in his late 50s. A new dad, with two young daughters, it was a "profound realization" that he was entering the third act of his life and that to make the most of it, he had to make sig...
Episode 245
Farewell friend: Remembering Steve Wright's kindness
By Peter BowesI lost a dear friend last week. In fact the UK, my home country, lost a national treasure.Steve Wright was much more than a DJ on the radio. He was a wonderful communicator, entertainer and soul-mate. He was everyo...
Episode 244